Emergency Pet Plan: Do You Have One?

Becoming ill with COVID-19 is a very real possibility in many people’s lives, and we are encouraging you to give some consideration to what you will do with your pets if you should happen to fall ill. If you’ve never thought through an emergency plan for your pet before, now is the time to do so. Here are some things you should consider:

  1. Keep your pet at home. There is no evidence available at this time that suggests people can catch COVID-19 from their cats or dogs. The best place for your pet if you fall ill is at home with you. This is where they will be safest and most comfortable. Wash your hands before feeding and petting them and keep their lives as normal as possible. Make sure you have a thirty-day supply of their food/medications available in case you are required to quarantine yourself, or have a plan in place, like a delivery service or neighbor, who can help you get those supplies.
  2. Secure an emergency caregiver and a backup caregiver. Locate and secure a trusted friend, family member, neighbor, or other person in your community to be your backup in case you are ill and unable to care for your pet. Make sure they know everything they need to know to keep your friend happy until you are well again. To be extra prepared, find a backup for them, as well.
  3. Prepare an emergency kit. Collecting all of your pet’s things is not something you want to be doing while you’re sick, so do it now to make transitioning your pet into your caregiver’s home easier. Some things you’ll want in that kit:
    • Your emergency caregiver’s contact information (in case it isn’t you moving your pet)
    • Your pet’s carrier or leash, food bowls, a few treats, toys, and some food, especially if they’re on a special diet
    • If your pet isn’t microchipped (the best choice for identification), make sure they have a collar with up-to-date tags or have their name, your name, address, and phone number and in an easy to locate place like on their leash or in their carrier
    • vaccination and medical records
    • a 30-day supply of any medications your pet may be taking, along with instructions
    • daily care instructions
    • your vet’s contact info

If may seem like a lot to gather, but we know you love your animal and want the best for them, and preparing for emergency situations is an important part of their care. This plan will help keep your friend protected whether the emergency is COVID-19 or any other emergency.

Stay well, everyone. If you need anything, let us know. We’re here to help.


Tree House.

Categories:  Cat Rescue General