
  • Be sure to enter the description, it will be used as the meta data.
  • Fill out all the required fields.
  • Set the featured image, it will be used for SEO and social media sharing.
  • Read the instructions carefully, as they may explain the limitations and functionality of the fields.


    • Before uploading any images, check the media library for the presence of that image.
    • For optimal display all images should be uploaded in suggested dimensions and keeping the aspect ratios.

Image minimum sizes

  • Content type: aspect ratio, minimum dimensions, recommended format.
  • Profile: 1:1, 250×250, PNG.
  • Banner: 32:7, 1600×350, JPG (Mobile version should be created with the aspect ratio of 16:13 example: 320×260, JPG).
  • Slide: 32:11, 1600×550 (Mobile version should be created with the aspect ratio of 1:1, example: 320×320, JPG).
  • Blog Post/Page/Event Featured Images should be created with the aspect ratio of 25:14, example: 1000×560.

Text editor

  • When classes are crossed out they are not available for a selected element. Please select a right element before applying the class.
  • If the classes are not available to be applied via the text editor, that means they don’t meet the minimum contrast ratio on the site and should not be used in that context.